Twitter Headers - How To Design One
You want the perfect ad tool and in twitter, that would be the header. But creating a great header with great design, elegant color combination with relevant content, and also the proper image is no easy task. In order to make a good impression to your twitter followers, you need to design your header in such a way that it catches everyone's attention immediately. It is one of the most vital parts of your twitter advertorial . So in this article, we will talk about how you can use Twitter Headers to your maximum advantage. Before we start, you must know exactly what a twitter header is. Basically, a twitter header is the graphical representation of your twitter profile. Twitter uses a standardized format for the layout of the profile, which includes a photo, title, tweet count, tweets, and location. If you want your twitter headers maker to work for you, then you need to have the proper format so that your header looks as if it was designed by a designer. Now that you have your twi...